Recognition, the Hegelian “Anerkennung”, in the history of thought is a concept intimately linked to the power of perception and knowledge and, therefore, of conscience and self-awareness; today it has been enriched with multiple meanings, all of which are part of a broader lexical family that has as its reference relationality, intersubjectivity, the relationship with the Other, the idea of ​​freedom. The semantic area that revolves around “recognition” alludes to life in the social community as the existential dimension best able to express the dignity and freedom of the individual. The path from “recognition” opens up to a rationality that takes on the negative, the non-identical, activating itself as a form of interaction and organizational principle of the social world; overcomes that mechanism of the animal matrix of appropriation of the other which is at the basis of the recurrence of the state of nature within social relations, of which the war and conflicts that we are experiencing so dramatically today are a tragic example . On these issues the philosopher Bruno Moroncini, the sociologist and anthropologist David Le Breton and the art historian Angelo Capasso offer readers their stimulating writings, opportunities to start a personal research and design new scenarios from which to look at the present.